I would like to recommend Katherine (Katy) Schildmeyer. I met her in 2014 as a start up clothing designer. Katy worked at a manufacturing company, and was placed on my team for the strategic planning and development of my clothing line. Katy was able to maximize my small spending allowance by creating cost sheets with projected production goals. She also did trouble shooting on problem areas I had with future predictions. She offered me solutions and alternatives to these areas which enabled me to proceed rapidly with full production pieces that worked within my budget.
Katy also implemented line sheets that included technical design elements that made planning easy for me. I learned a great deal from her expertise in design, technical components, and financial aspects. Katy would be a great benefit to Changewear due to her experience, goal oriented, multi task capability’s and her integrity for people and businesses.
Grace Denise- Founder Jonah & Grace

I'm the founder & designer of innovative women's clothing line called Penny Posh. Katy (Katherine) Schildmeyer helped my vision come to life; via- all of my technical designs. Her hard work, product knowledge, patience, and the ability to see my vision will never stray me from working with another! She is always looking for new creative ways to incorporate fashion and art. I highly recommend her for any fashion related venture.
Katherine knows more about fashion and design than I know about the skin on my face ( I work in skincare). You see something and you think you know the ins and outs of it, but then she comes in and shows you both the greater and finer details that if missed - would cost you quality of product as well as time and money. Her work is detailed, her guidance is clear and compassionate and her integrity speaks for herself. The industry is lucky to have her.